PFP NFT in Klay Universe

Klay Universe is planning to carry out the PFP NFT project separately from UNIVERSE.

The PFP NFT, which will be released by Klay Universe, plays a central role not only within the Klay Universe ecosystem, but also in the multiverses that Klay Universe aims for in the future. PFP NFT is an NFT that can be traded between markets or users.

Klay Universe aims to collaborate with large projects on Klaytn Network. With Klay Universe PFP NFT, users can experience many projects on the metaverse, form a bond, and benefit from them.

Klay Universe PFP NFT holders will be given priority for whitelist and the opportunity to participate in special events during the project collaboration.

Klay Universe will continue to collaborate with large domestic projects to increase the value of the user-owned PFP NFT. In this way, we will try to continue to benefit our users.

Last updated